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These are the most recent dogs to share my life. 

Finnbarr Jackson

Chloe and Sophie

We adopted Chloe and Sophie from a local rescue  in July 2015. They were a breed I'd never heard of, Basset Fauve de Bretagne, and were littermates from a hoarding situation where they had grown up basically feral. They had a home for a year before we adopted them, but were still fearful and unsure about a lot of things. But their sweetness and gentleness shone through.

We always joked that they were a single organism in two bodies because they were so bonded, so when Sophie was diagnosed with a serious liver condition, we did everything we could to make their time together full of things they loved: going for long walks, destroying stuffed toys, and lots of cuddles. They loved to play so loud that you could hear them across the house, and slept curled up together. Sometimes, we wondered if they were mother and daughter rather than littermates, because Sophie loved to lick on Chloe's belly. Whether Chloe wanted it or not!


Sophie thrived for another two years after her expected lifespan but eventually her body gave out. Chloe was an only dog for a bit, but we could tell she wasn't completely happy. She was the perfect mentor dog to bring home an anxious, traumatized minpin to.  Chloe just treated  Finn like he was a puppy who didn't know better and they soon settled into a rhythm. Chloe was definitely leader of the pack and would go out at dusk to bay and check in with all the dogs in hearing range.

We were able to track down the puppies that Chloe came into rescue with, and arranged a reunion. She could not have cared less, haha. I'm still glad we did it, though, because Chloe was later diagnosed with a hereditary heart condition so we could let the owners of her puppies know what to look for. Chloe eventually succumbed to heart failure and joined her sister at the Rainbow Bridge.




© 2014-2024 by Angelica R. Jackson. All rights reserved
angelicarjackson (at) yahoo dot com
P.O. Box 1294
Shingle Springs, CA 95682

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